Sl. No. | Service Name | Online/DTO Counter Service | Application URL / Link | Service description | Document required to be submited with application |
1 | Temporary Registration of vehicles | DTO Counter Service | | At the time of purchase of vehicle, Owner can apply for Temporary registration at Dealer Point. | 1. Form 21,22 2. Valid Insurance Certificate(copy) 3.Application form for temporary and its extension 4. Address proof 5. Original Sale Invoice 6.PAN/Form 60 |
2 | Issue of duplicate copy of registration document | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at concerned DTO Office.OLD Registration Certificate required.(Service available at DTO Counter) | 1. Form 26 2. Valid Insurance Certificate(copy) 3. Fitness Certificate (for commercial vehicle) 4.Original RC in case of damaged RC book/Filed Non-Cognizable Report(sanha) in Police Station in case of lost of RC 5.Tax token(for commercial vehicle) |
3 | Renewal of registration certificate | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at concerned DTO Office.OLD Registration Certificate required.(Service available at DTO Counter) | 1. Original Old Registration Certificate 2.Valid Insurance Certificate(copy) 3. Fitness Certificate 4.Form 25 5.Chasis and Engine Pencil Print 6.PAN Card/Form 60 & 61 (as applicable) |
4 | Issue of No Objection Certificate | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at concerned DTO Office with relevant documents.(Service available at DTO Counter) | 1. Form 28 (in triplicate) 2. Insurance Certificate 3.NCRB Report |
5 | Changes in the nature of vehicle related case | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at concerned DTO Office for alteration/conversion of vehicle.(Service available at DTO Counter) | With supporting documents related to alteration of vehicles in case of alteration |
6 | Cancellation of vehicle registration | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at concerned DTO Office for cancellation of vehicle registration.(Service available at DTO Counter) | 1.Updated Tax receipt 2.Fitness Certificate 3.Valid Insurance Certificate |
7 | Issue of tax token | Online Service | | Tax token service - Completely Online | No documents required |
8 | Application for tax exemption / refund/clearance | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at concerned DTO Office.(Service available at DTO Counter) | With supporting documents related to tax exemption/refund/clearance |
9 | Renewal of vehicle fitness for commercial vehicle certificate(Will be Implemented after department approval) | Online Service | | One can apply online,pay the fees and fixed appointment date for fitness. | Supporting documents like recent tax receipt,valid insurance certificate are required.It can be uploaded during applying. |
10 | Issue of duplicate copy of fitness certificate | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at concerned DTO Office for duplicate FC.(Service available at DTO Counter) | 1. Old fitness certificate required 2. Registration Certificate required |
11 | Fancy Number Booking | Online Service | | Completely online for choice number booking and finding availability of unbooked choice number. | No documents required |
12 | Know Your Vehicle details | Online Service | | By vehicle number input one can know the vehicle details | No documents required |
13 | Know application status | Online Service | | One can know the status of their application status by application number/vehicle registration number | No documents required |
14 | Know your payment transaction status | Online Service | | One can know the status of their online payment transaction status by Vehicle registration no./Transaction id/Payment Id/Bank Ref no. | No documents required |
15 | Dealer Registration | Counter Service | | Registration is initiated normally at Dealer Point. | 1.Form 20,21,22 2.Sale Invoice 3.Insurance Certificate 4.Address Proof 5. PAN Card Copy/Form 60 6.Owner's Photo & Signature7.Pencil Print of Chasis 8. Form 34 (in case of HPA) |
16 | Other state vehicle tax with temporary/tourist permit.(Will be Implemented after department approval) | Online Service | | One can pay online tax with as per duration of their permit. | No documents required |
17 | Address Change in RC | DTO Counter Service | | One can apply at DTO counter for Address Change in RC | 1.Form 33 2. Certificate of Registration 3.Proof of New Address 4.Valid Insurance Certificate 5.NOC from financer (in case of HP) 6.Signature Identification of Owner |
18 | Hypothetication Endorsement/Addition | DTO Counter Service | | One can apply at DTO counter for Hypothetication Endorsement in RC | 1.Form 34 (in duplicate)2. Certificate of Registration 3.Address Proof(copy) 4.Valid Insurance Certificate Copy 5. PAN Card/Form 60 & 61 |
19 | Hypothetication Termination | DTO Counter Service | | One can apply at DTO counter for Hypothetication Termination in RC | 1.Form 35(in duplicate)2. Certificate of Registration 3.Address Proof(copy) 4.Valid Insurance Certificate Copy 5. PAN Card/Form 60 & 61 6.NOC from Financier |
20 | Transfer of ownership | DTO Counter Service | | One can apply at DTO counter for Transfer of ownership on RC | 1. Original Certificate of Registration 2.Form 29 & 30 (in duplicate) 3.Address Proof of Purchaser (copy) 4.Valid Insurance Certificate Copy 5. PAN Card/Form 60 & 61 (as applicable) |
21 | Reassignment of Vehicle Registration Number | DTO Counter Service | | One can apply at DTO counter for Reassignment of Vehicle Registration No. | 1.Other State Registration Cerficate of vehicle (in original) 2.Form 28(NOC in duplicate),Form 27,Form 20 3.Valid Insurance Certificate Copy 4.Address Proof(copy) 5. Fitness Certificate (in case of commercial vehicle) 6. Road Tax (as applicable) 7.PAN Card/Form 60 & 61 |
22 | NOC Cancellation | DTO Counter Service | | One can apply at DTO counter for NOC Cancellation | 1.Original Form 28 issued 2. NOC Print 3.Owner Affidavit(Reg. non-use) 4.Application |
Sl. No. | Service Name | Online/DTO Counter Service | Application URL / Link | Service description | Document required to be submited with application |
1 | Issue and renewal of various kinds of driving license | Online Service | | 1. Issuance of LL/DL/CL 2.Online facility of Application for all Services 3. Online uploading of documents 4. Online slot Booking for DL test 5. Photo and Signature capture at DTO Counter 6. Services availability at DTO Counter also 7. Payments through POS at DTO counter 8. Service delivery- Smart card based DL | 1.Form 2,Form 2 for LL 3. Form 4 for DL 4. LLD form Duplicate license 5. Form1,Form 9, form for renewal Orignal DL |
2 | Issue of duplicate copy of license | Online Service | | User can apply online of duplicate driving license | 1. LLD form 2. Xerox copy of DL or FIR copy |
3 | Change of license into Smart Card License | DTO Counter Service | | Required to apply at DTO Office for conversion from manual to Smart Card DL.(Service available at DTO Counter) | 1. LLD form 2. Old DL |
4 | Additional Endorsement on DL | Online Service | | User can apply online for additional endorsement of Class of vihicle | Applicant has to fill Form -8 and upload LL / DL thereafter Scrutiny by office |
5 | Issue of International Driving Permit (IDP) | Online Service | | User can apply online for issue of IDP | User has to fill Form 1A and 4A and has to upload Passport & Visa thereafter Scrutiny by office |
6 | Issue of NOC | Online Service | | User can apply for issue of No Objection certificate | Applicant has to apply and upload DL thereafter Scrutiny by office |
7 | Replace ment of DL | Online Service | | User can get his DL replaced in case of defacement. | Applicant has to upload old DL, Photo & signature thereafter Scrutiny by office |
8 | DL Extract | Online Service | | This service is related to Insurance | Applicant has to upload DL & thereafter Scrutiny by office. |
9 | Change of Name in DL | Online Service | | Applicant can get his name changed | Applicant has to upload school certificate & thereafter Scrutiny by office. |
10 | Change of Address in DL | Online Service | | Applicant can get his address changed | Applicant has to upload new address proof, DL & thereafter Scrutiny by office. |
11 | Issue of Duplicate DL | Online Service | | Applicant can get duplicate DL in case of loss or misplacement. | Applicant has to upload FIR copy of Police station & thereafter Scrutiny by office. |
12 | Renewal of DL | Online Service | | Applicant can get his DL renewed in case of expiry of DL | Applicant has to fill Form 9 and Form 1 & upload DL, Photo & signature & thereafter Scrutiny by office. |
13 | Change of Biometrics in DL | Online Service | | Applicant can get his Photo / signature changed | Applicant applies online and has to visit office for photo /signature |
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